Updating tk +quartz failed on Snow Leopard

Kevin Walzer kw at codebykevin.com
Wed Aug 24 20:30:13 PDT 2016

On 8/24/16 5:26 AM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> According to
>      http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307128/how-do-i-cast-id-to-a-float
> I guess that
>      scalefactor = ([[win backingScaleFactor] floatValue] == 2.0) ? 2 : 1;
> instead of
>      scalefactor = ([win backingScaleFactor] == 2.0) ? 2 : 1;
> should wok.
> That compiles on 10.6 at least (I didn't check the actual
> functionality, I don't even have GUI access to that 10.6 VM).
Unfortunately, this patch breaks the build on 10.11. clang complains 
with this error:

       bad receiver type 'CGFloat' (aka 'double')

Any suggestions here? Given a choice between supporting an obsoleted 
version of the OS and the current one, my choice is for the current one.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin/Mobile Code by Kevin

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