Mirroring and corporate firewall/proxy

Russell Jones russell.jones at physics.ox.ac.uk
Wed Dec 14 14:40:17 CET 2016

Did you grab the .rmd160 file to go with the binary archive?


On 14/12/16 13:12, Guillaume Lapierre wrote:
> Le 14/12/2016 à 11:51, Rainer Müller a écrit :
>> On 2016-12-14 11:14, Guillaume Lapierre wrote:
>>> I have a problem with my corporate firewall when I need to install 
>>> "big"
>>> packages (for instance db48 which is 19,9 Mbits). My firewall/proxy 
>>> (and
>>> I have no control over its configuration) do antivirus check on all
>>> downloads including over https. To do this the proxy download the
>>> package on its side, do the antivirus check and then if everything is
>>> fine send back the file to the client. During the download process it
>>> sends keep-alive packets. This means that the download rate at the
>>> begining is dropping very fast and, at the end, will increase with the
>>> whole file being send over the lan.
>>> This work in a browser environment but macport will switch from mirror
>>> to mirror before any of them has a chance to finish the download.
>> MacPorts drops the connection if the server sends less than 1 KB/s over
>> the time of 1 minute. These are hardcoded values:
> Which is the case with this proxy/firewall
>>> - if not how can I manually copy the package file in the /opt 
>>> filesystem
>>> in order to skip the fetch process?
>> You can copy the distfiles manually to the expected location:
>> https://imsva91-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2ftrac.macports.org%2fwiki%2fProblemHotlist%23fetch%2dfailures&umid=3B0C0CE5-439C-2005-A58A-0DB69B3ECC8C&auth=c42e2218434f7d3d697e07056b915c6479e82439-5c2e57bb293688ca36545bd354d4a109320750db 
> I did this for PHP or sqlite3 but db48 use a binary package 
> (db48-4.8.30_4.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2). I tryed to put it in 
> /opt/local/var/macports/software with the same directory structure / 
> rights than other packages. I will try to fetch the distfile and put 
> it in the distfiles/ directory and see if this solves my problem.
> Thanks
> Guillaume
> |
> |

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