A screenshot/webpage capture app like Shutter?

bunk3m bunk3m at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 19:58:45 PST 2016

On 04.02.2016 05:45, Lenore Horner wrote:
>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 23:09, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:
>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 7:25 PM, bunk3m <bunk3m at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I've done some searching in the ports list but haven't found what I'm looking for.  [Usually, this means I don't know how to search properly.]
>>> Sooo, I was wondering if you might be able to tell me if there is an app in MacPorts like Shutter (Linux/Ubuntu/etc)
>>> http://shutter-project.org/about/
>>> What I like most about it is the ability to capture a webpage including links, pictures and font.
>>> Is there an app in the ports that does this that I haven't found?
>>> If yes, please let me know.
>> I haven't heard of any screenshot programs in MacPorts.
>> How would the functionality you want differ from what is already built into OS X?
> Perhaps the OP is looking for screenshot+edit+post in one app?  These aren’t ports, but that sounds like Skitch or Monosnap or just have Preview open and use the OS X tools with control so there is a clipboard item rather than a file which automatically dumps into a new Preview file (at least if the keyboard command is used), then edit and copy-paste into mail or whatever.
> Lenore
Sorry for the delay in replying.

@ryandesign, OSX does a great job at capturing an image of the screen 
but what I'm looking for is the ability to capture the content, links 
and pictures of a webpage.  Most webpages are bigger than the screen (in 
length) so the only way to capture using OSX screenshot is to capture a 
part, scroll, capture another part and then join together using 

You can do this by selecting and dragging the selected text off the 
website into SOHONotes. It worked great.  But SOHONotes looks to be 
abandoned, the support is none existant and looks like is broken now. 
I've given up on it.

So I went looking for something open source that would do something 
similar.  Shutter has the ability to do the same thing as SOHONotes + 
does screenshots etc.  I really don't care about the screenshot ability 
of Shutter since OSX does a good job but I'm still trying to find an 
application that does the website capture.

@Lenore, I have to try the Preview app suggestion.  Never hear this was 
possible.  I don't want to reuse the content just clip it for reference. 
  Even though Evernote and OneNote clipper are supposed to do this, they 
fail more often than not so I gave up on them too.

It looks like I'll keep on looking.

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!


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