What is the name of the Bouncy Castle Port?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Mon Jan 4 11:51:00 PST 2016

On Jan 4, 2016, at 1:45 PM, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

> I'm having trouble finding the Bouncy Castle package. The web search
> tool is returning 0 results. Attempting to install it from the command
> line is resulting in failures:
> hilbert:~$ sudo port install bouncycastle
> Error: Port bouncycastle not found
> hilbert:~$ sudo port install bouncy-castle
> Error: Port bouncy-castle not found
> hilbert:~$ sudo port install bouncy-castle-java
> Error: Port bouncy-castle-java not found
> What is the name of the Bouncy Castle package?
> Thanks in advance.

Is it this one?

lcrypto @1.28 (java, crypto)

Description:          The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a Java
                      implementation of cryptographic algorithms.
Homepage:             http://lcrypto.sourceforge.net/

Build Dependencies:   jikes, junit, fastjar
Library Dependencies: gnu-classpath
Platforms:            darwin
License:              MIT
Maintainers:          nomaintainer

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