Need A Data Visualization/Graphing Program

Mitchell Maltenfort mmalten at
Sun Jan 10 19:13:47 PST 2016

Install R and its Ggplot2 package?

On Sunday, January 10, 2016, Charles Phillips <
charles at> wrote:

> All -
> This is probably a simple question to answer, but I have not stumbled
> across the answer yet.
> I have installed GPredict (satellite tracking program) on a number of Mac
> computers (starting with my Powerbook G4 and most lately on my Mac Mini and
> my MacBook Pro) and have been looking for a program that would easily allow
> me to plot orbital parameters. I follow satellites.
> Right now I use Numbers for some, and have struggled with Excel. I need a
> flexible program that allows me to enter some columns of data (perigee,
> apogee, inclination, etc) and graph them again time of the orbital
> description (I use Two Line Element sets from the U.S. Air Force).
> I looked in the "Math" category and have not managed to find anything.
> MacPorts does not have a way to search for "graphing utilities" that I have
> found??
> I briefly tried to use a neat program called Plot2 that I ran across but I
> could not get any support.
> There must be a ported Unix application out there that I just have not run
> across yet??
> *Charles Phillips*
> Spaceflight Research, LLC
> Houston, Texas
> 713-882-4578

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