py33-scipy problem

Joshua Root jmr at
Fri Jan 22 03:26:22 PST 2016

David Strubbe wrote:
> As the message says, you need to select a Fortran variant. You have not.
> You can see this from the fact that the file trying to be fetched is
> py33-scipy-0.16.1_0.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2 not
> py33-scipy-0.16.1_0+gcc48.darwin_13.x86_64.tbz2. Yes, you had py33-scipy
> +gcc48 installed previously, and macports will try to use the same variants
> you had selected before when upgrading. However, there is no longer a
> variant +gcc48 (as below). Therefore, you must choose one of the four
> currently existing Fortran variants. e.g. sudo port install py33-scipy
> +gfortran.

Breaking the port for existing users and making them fix it is poor UX.
The way the removal of variants like this is usually handled is:

# Can be removed after 2017-01-22
variant gcc48 requires gfortran description {Legacy compatibility
variant} {}

- Josh

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