Migration issue

Adam Dershowitz dersh at alum.mit.edu
Wed Jan 4 01:13:42 CET 2017

Yes, xar. 
That port actually got fixed quickly, so the specific problem is gone.
But, the situation still has me curious.  Why should just moving myports.txt end up with a bunch more universal ports on the new machine?  Is it a difference between 10.11 and 10.12?

On January 3, 2017 7:35:00 PM EST, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:
>> On Jan 2, 2017, at 14:12, Adam Dershowitz <dersh at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> I am trying to get an existing set of ports into a new machine. 
>> I ended up wiping /opt/local on the new machine, so I'm just using
>the migration script and myports.txt. So it is a fresh macports
>> My problem seems to be that I had Xer installed on the old machine
>(2012 MacBook pro with OS 10.11 ) as a dependant to something else. On
>the new machine it keeps trying to put xer +universal. And that build
>fails. (I create a ticket for the xer +universal build.)
>> But I would like to be able to get other ports working. Can anyone
>suggest why it wants to install this port +universal variant, when the
>old machine was not? 
>> I can install the default variant, which grabs the binary. But, then
>when I try to run the migration script it tries to upgrade to the other
>variant, from source, and fails.
>> I did try removing the xer line from myports.txt but it didn't help
>(the line just had the default variant)
>I don't see a port "xer"; I assume you mean "xar".
>I guess you're trying to install a port that depends on xar. llvm-3.9
>depends on xar, and cctools and ld64 depend on llvm-3.9. Maybe you're
>trying to install one of those with the universal variant.

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