xorg-libXt won't build because xsltproc processes never finish

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Nov 19 22:55:14 UTC 2017

On Nov 19, 2017, at 14:26, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> On Nov 19, 2017, at 14:35, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Nov 19, 2017, at 09:27, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>>> Reinstalling after migrating to High Sierra, it had to be that something wouldn't rebuild, and this was it.  xorg-libXt won't build because the xsltproc processes never finish.  For giggles, I temporarily swapped the one already in /opt/local/bin  with the somewhat older binary supplied by Apple, and it did the same...leading me to suppose that although they perhaps shouldn't behave that way, it's something in the input they're fed that has them running indefinitely (and using all the CPU they can get while they're doing it, too).
>>> Ideas?
>> Hmm, not really. xorg-libXt built fine on High Sierra on our build system in September. https://packages.macports.org/xorg-libXt/ (You cannot use our binaries?)
> Don't I need a build with +flat_namespace if I'm going to link with OpenMotif?

Yes, that's true. But I wouldn't expect using that variant to cause this problem. 

Are you able to install the port without that variant if you build from source (i.e. use the "-s" flag), or do you get the same hang then?

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