running macports along with homebrew

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Feb 14 13:56:59 UTC 2018

On Feb 13, 2018, at 08:40, db wrote:
> On 13 Feb 2018, at 07:01, Ken Cunningham wrote:
>> If there is anything worth having in MacPorts that is in Homebrew but not MacPorts, just ask for it.
> I'm trying homebrew as a fallback for MacPorts, but since you said anything, here's a wish list: cask,

I'm aware of "cask" being a feature of Homebrew. If that's what you're referring to, what does the feature do / what do you want MacPorts to do in regard to this?

> building from HEAD,

We will definitely never offer a user-facing feature for building the HEAD version of a port's code. We want to provide some level of assurance that a port will build, does not contain malware, provides a particular library version, etc.; we cannot provide those assurances if the user can request to build a version of the code that we've never tested.

> LinuxPorts (analog to Linuxbrew),

What does this do / what do you want this to do?

> and specific ports: vagrant

I see a submission for rb-vagrant; is that the same thing?

> and ELK stack for starters. Just daydreaming…

I was not familiar with the term "ELK stack" but Googling leads me to believe this consists of elasticsearch, logstash and kibana.

elasticsearch is in MacPorts.

The submissions of logstash and kibana are here:

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