deactivating build deps

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Jan 2 20:37:00 UTC 2018

On Jan 2, 2018, at 13:33, Jan Stary wrote:
> Deactivatng e.g. man warns me that 
>  Note: It is not recommended to uninstall/deactivate a port that has
>  dependents as it breaks the dependents.
>  The following ports will break: lirc @0.9.4d_3
> It's a build dependency, not a run dependency or a lib dependency.
> Does the deactivate/uninstall differentiate between those?

Yes, MacPorts differentiates. I don't know why you would see that message when deactivating a build dep.  

Your pull request shows that you originally added man as a library dep not a build dep. If you installed lirc in that state, that's what got recorded in the registry and would account for the message. 

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