Upgrading gpsd

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Sun Jan 28 22:08:31 UTC 2018

On my weekly update cycle, "gpsd" was selected; and at the end I got:

     --->  Some of the ports you installed have notes:
       gpsd has the following notes:
 	The xgps variant is now needed to get the xgps and xgpsspeed programs.

What precisely does this mean?  The manpage is not exactly clear.

I tried "port install gpsd +variant:xgps" (after removing) and nothing 
seemed to actually happen, and "port install xgps" printed:

     Error: Port xgps not found

So, what exactly should I be doing if I want those variants (whatever they 
are; I assume a GUI version)?

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."

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