Mojave and Migration
Chris Jones
jonesc at
Tue Oct 23 08:36:04 UTC 2018
> Thank you. Unfortunately, the list is huge:
> MrMuscle:~ mnewman$ port echo not installed and \( $(awk '{print $1}' myports.txt) \) | wc -l
> 218
> And includes things like curl, wget, gzip and others.
> Makes me thing something went seriously wrong with restore_ports.tcl.
Personally, I never use the full ports list to attempt to restore the
whole thing. It lists *every* port installed, most of which will be
dependencies to those you actually requested, and these can change
between OS X versions. The other issue are the variants required are not
always the same across OSX versions. So attempting to restore the exact
same list of ports can cause problems.
Do you create the requested list ? This is much shorter as it lists only
the ports your actively requested, not dependencies etc. My
recommendation is to go through this list, and just use it to identify,
by hand those you wish to reinstall. Then, reinstall these using
whatever the new default variants (plus whatever options you want) are.
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