Determining what's in a port

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Oct 30 19:05:52 UTC 2018

On Oct 30, 2018, at 05:37, Michael Dickens wrote:

> 2) generally located in "$PREFIX/var/macports/software/$PORT/" will be compressed tarballs of the activated files for any given PORT. Use "tar jtvf $FILENAME" to get contents, where FILENAME will be something like "$PORT-$VERSION+$VARIANTS.$OS.$ARCH.tbz2". For example for a recent "ffmpeg": "ffmpeg-4.0.2_1+gpl2.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2".

`port location` prints the location of that file, so more simply:

tar tjvf $(port -q location ffmpeg @4.0.2_1+gpl2)

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