TeXLive distribution and macports

Werner LEMBERG wl at gnu.org
Sun Sep 9 14:16:58 UTC 2018

My computer for daily use is an openSuSE GNU/Linux box; for TeX
processing, however, I'm directly using tlmgr.[*] Regardless of this I
don't have any dependency issues with `zypper', openSuSE's package
manager, since I'm using the nifty `texlive-dummy-opensuse' package,

  https://github.com/rolfn/texlive-dummy-opensuse.git   .

This package tells zypper that all TeXLive packages provided by
openSuSE are installed, without installing them actually.

I would like to have something similar for MacPorts.  My questions:

* Has anyone already written such a dummy package?

* If not, how can I construct `empty packages' that only exist to
  fulfill package dependencies?


[*] To be more precise, I don't use tlmgr at all but directly
    TeXLive's SVN repository.  However, this distinction doesn't
    matter here.

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