User information about macOS Mojave

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Sep 19 17:54:32 UTC 2018

On Sep 19, 2018, at 11:54, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> So I think that the 10.13 SDK on Mojave, assuming one can still build against it there, may well be a short-term answer.

Mojave requires Xcode 10 which contains only the 10.14 SDK.

MacPorts doesn't have any particular support at this time for accessing alternative SDKs that the user might have placed in other locations.

I worked on a port to standardize a way to provide other SDK versions, but I have not published it yet. MacPorts base changes would also be required to make it easy for ports to request SDKs that didn't come from the primary Xcode installation.

> But IMO, this is still a good excuse to at least get STARTED on pushing everything toward x86_64, even if workarounds are still mostly possible; because in the next OS version, i386 will likely be gone or severely crippled.

Apple has announced that macOS 10.15 will remove all 32-bit support.

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