How do I merge my own fork with updates from the main fork

Chris Jones jonesc at
Sat Aug 24 14:54:01 UTC 2019

> On 24 Aug 2019, at 3:47 pm, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
>> On Aug 24, 2019, at 07:55, Gerben Wierda wrote:
>> I have been trying to follow instructions but I am trying to prevent to have to become a git expert (there is insufficient time for that available, such as studying a whole git book). Just knowing some basic recipes for actions/steps lets me concentrate on the actual stuff I want to do that is potentially contributing to ports.
> We have some help available here:

Thanks, I forgot about that page.

Of course, there is also the man page at


> We needed a cheat sheet for people like you and me who don't have time to learn git, and other developers more familiar with git thankfully pitched in to write that. If it's missing anything you'd find helpful, please add it or suggest what should be added.
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