postgresql83-server - Further Woes

Michael Newman mgnewman at
Sun Nov 3 23:33:58 UTC 2019

I have a license for and use DetectX Swift.

I wrote to the developer. Phil’s full reply is below. I am a bit wary about simply telling DetectX to ignore this. Something is going on and I want to know what it is.

I’ve written Phil back to let him know what I learned from this list.

(I am grateful for the help I receive here.)

>> Hi Mike
>> If DetectX is throwing that alert, double-check the following locations to see if the file exists:
>> ~/Library/LaunchAgents
>> /Library/LaunchAgents
>> /Library/LaunchDaemons
>> If it doesn't appear in one of those three locations, then it's likely that macports is writing the file there as a temporary item and then deleting it.
>> There's a couple of options for stopping this behaviour.
>> First, in DetectX Preferences, you can turn off the Folder Observer function in the Obsever tab.
>> Alternatively, in the same preferences tab, you can leave Folder Observer and add "org.macports" to the "Ignore Keywords" list.
>> [image removed]
>> Let me know if you need any further help.
>> Best
>> Phil
>> @sqwarq

> On Nov 4, 2019, at 06:27, Al Varnell <alvarnell at> wrote:
> Recommend you contact the Developer at < <>>. Phil has been a colleague of mine for several years and very responsive. Operates out of Australia.
> You should be aware that if you are actually using the older DetectX rather thanDetectX Swift, it's not going to be supported beyond next May. He posted the following to his Slack community late last week:
> 1. The older versions of DetectX (not DetectX Swift) are no longer being offered for download on the Sqwarq site.
> 2. The older versions will continue to receive maintenance updates and search definition updates until June 1st, 2020.
> 3. It is no longer possible to buy registration keys for the older versions of DetectX.
> -Al-
>> On Nov 3, 2019, at 13:33, Michael Newman <mgnewman at <mailto:mgnewman at>> wrote:
>> Thank you.
>> I asked the developers of DetectX and this is what they said:
>>> If DetectX is throwing that alert, double-check the following locations to see if the file exists:
>>> ~/Library/LaunchAgents
>>> /Library/LaunchAgents
>>> /Library/LaunchDaemons
>>> If it doesn't appear in one of those three locations, then it's likely that macports is writing the file there as a temporary item and then deleting it.
>> The plist file definitely does not exist:
>> MrMuscle:Volumes mnewman$ sudo launchctl list | grep 'org\.macports\.'
>> Password:
>> 81	0	org.macports.dnsmasq
>> -	0	org.macports.clamd
>> 89	0	org.macports.mysql57-server
>> So, I find myself stuck in the middle. Is it a DetectX problem or a MacPorts problem?
>> I don’t know.
>>> On Nov 3, 2019, at 21:38, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at <mailto:ryandesign at>> wrote:
>>> On Nov 3, 2019, at 04:46, Michael Newman wrote:
>>>> I have uninstalled the port, but DetectX keeps telling me that the plist has been changed. If it only happened once when I still had the port installed I’d say, yeah, problem solved. But when the plist keeps getting changed after the port has been uninstalled I have to wonder what’s happening.
>>>> DetectX doesn’t tell me where the plist is located or what process changed it; just that it has been changed. Over and over again.
>>>> Perhaps this is a bug in DetectX, but I have no way of knowing that.
>>> You could ask the developers of DetectX. If it's complaining to you about a file that doesn't appear to be on your disk, I don't know what else to suggest, except:
>>> Maybe back when you had postgresql83-server installed, you loaded the plist, and now that it's gone, the system is trying to load it every 10 seconds, and maybe DetectX is noticing that. You could check your Console to see if there are any mentions of issues with MacPorts launchd plists.
>>> You can list all the MacPorts launchd plists you've loaded with:
>>> sudo launchctl list | grep 'org\.macports\.'
>>> If you see anything there that you don't want loaded, and the plist file still exists, you can unload it with:
>>> sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.whatever.plist
>>> If the plist is no longer on disk, you can make launchd forget about it with:
>>> sudo launchctl remove org.macports.whatever

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