mysql57, boost and postgresql84

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Nov 9 02:40:53 UTC 2019

On Nov 8, 2019, at 20:31, Chris Jones  wrote:

> On 9 Nov 2019, at 1:39 am, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> If you ran `sudo port install clamav`, and it was not already installed, MacPorts should have marked it as requested. If clamav was automatically installed as a dependency of something else, then it would not have been marked requested.
> That sounds like something we should fix to me. Is it not reasonable to expect the port in this case, even if it was previously installed as a dependency, to still be marked as requested in this case, as that is what the user did by asking for it to be installed. The fact it already was shouldn’t matter in terms of marking it as requested ?

If you mean that running `sudo port install` on a port that is already installed should mark it as requested, then that's

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