Unable to compile OpenBLAS on 10.7

Riccardo Mottola riccardo.mottola at libero.it
Sat Sep 7 20:48:27 UTC 2019

Hi all!

I am doing a thorough complete update of my systems, I read about the 
compiler changes et. al and see how  my vintage things will perform

I started from the newest system 10.7 and 64bit.  It stops at OpenBLAS.

/opt/local/bin/clang-mp-5.0 -c -O3 -DMAX_STACK_ALLOC=2048 -DEXPRECISION 
-DASMNAME=_samin_k -DASMFNAME=_samin_k_ -DNAME=samin_k_ -DCNAME=samin_k 
-DCHAR_NAME=\"samin_k_\" -DCHAR_CNAME=\"samin_k\" -DNO_AFFINITY -I.. 
../kernel/x86/amax.S -o samin_k.o
../kernel/x86/amax.S../kernel/x86/amax.S:64::64:2: error: instruction 
requires: Not 64-bit mode
2 : error: instruction requires: Not 64-bit mode
  pushl %esi
../kernel/x86/amax.S:65:2: error: instruction requires: Not 64-bit mode
  pushl %ebx
pushl %esi
../kernel/x86/amax.S:65:2: error: instruction requires: Not 64-bit mode
  pushl %ebx
../kernel/x86/amax.S:311:2: error: instruction requires: Not 64-bit mode
  popl %ebx
../kernel/x86/amax.S:312:2: error: instruction requires: Not 64-bit mode
  popl %esi
../kernel/x86/amax.S:311:2: error: instruction requires: Not 64-bit mode
  popl %ebx
../kernel/x86/amax.S:312:2: error: instruction requires: Not 64-bit mode
  popl %esi
make[1]: *** [samax_k.o] Error 1

as you see it is using clang 5.0.

I wonder what is going on, it is perhaps building something of x86 in 64bit?


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