Port install never uses packages, always compiles from source - why?

Ken Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 02:00:30 UTC 2020

in archive_sites.conf it has been all spelled out for many years; just have to point people to read it.

# MacPorts configuration file for binary archive sources.

# Each source entry consists of one or more fields.
#   name: A name for the archive source. This field always starts a new
#       entry. Required.
#   urls: A space- or tab-delimited list of the source's URLs. Defaults
#       to an empty list.
#   type: The filetype of the archives; valid values are "cpgz", "cpio",
#       "tar", "tbz", "tbz2", "tgz", "tlz", "txz", "xar", and "zip".
#       MacPorts handles each archive type with an appropriate external
#       executable; if it cannot find such an executable, or if the
#       specified type is invalid, the source is not used. Defaults to
#       "tbz2".
#   prefix: The prefix of the MacPorts installation used to create the
#       source's archives. This must match the value of "prefix" set in
#       macports.conf, or the source is not used. Defaults to
#       "/opt/local".
#   applications_dir: The applications directory of the MacPorts
#       installation used to create the source's archives. This must
#       match the value of "applications_dir" set in macports.conf, or
#       the source is not used. Defaults to "/Applications/MacPorts".
#   frameworks_dir: The frameworks directory of the MacPorts
#       installation used to create the source's archives. This must
#       match the value of "frameworks_dir" set in macports.conf, or the
#       source is not used. Defaults to "[prefix]/Library/Frameworks".

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