upgrade to osx 10.15 catalina

joerg van den hoff veedeehjay at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 13:50:05 UTC 2020

I had to upgrade to 10.15 (wanted to postpone this further but ...) and recall that there were many 
reports over the last months of problems with subsequent macports upgrade, recommendations to use 
previous xcode releases with catalina and assorted package specific problems simply not being 
solvable right now.

I have looked at the mail archive and macports webpage but have not found a clear recommendation or 
statement what the current situation (as of jan 2020) is.

so simple question: is it save/recommended to use current xcode (11.3) when doing the usual macports 
migration routine? are there guaranteed problems in certain packages/areas? or is everything back
to normal (most things will work, some might not...)?

thank you

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