postfix fails to launch at boot

Gerben Wierda gerben.wierda at
Fri Jan 10 17:37:00 UTC 2020

postfix is started during boot on my macOS system. This fails with:

Jan 10 18:00:08 mail postfix/master[488]: fatal: bind port 25: Address already in use
Jan 10 18:00:10 mail /postfix-script[511]: fatal: mail system startup failed

but when I shortly thereafter launch it it just starts fine.

It seems something in the postfix/macOS combo makes this happen. Probably a weirdness in macOS if postfix starts when the system is still in some startup state (there have been more issues like this with macOS), so what I could use is a way to make postfix a bit more persistent in trying to start on a fatal.

startupitem.create      yes
startupitem.start       "${prefix}/sbin/${name} start"
startupitem.stop        "${prefix}/sbin/${name} stop"

Given that postfix writes a pid file in /opt/local/var/spool/postfix/pid/ would it be possible to use a startupitem.pidfile entry that triggers daemondo to try to relaunch when this happens? Note: postfix is started by a program running  script which then starts the master process that writes the pid file.

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