Solution (almost certainly): postfix fails to launch at boot

daniel Azuelos daniel+macports at
Sat Jan 11 11:17:02 UTC 2020

[ My questions and answers are in the normal reading order. ]

On 11/01/2020, Gerben Wierda <gerben.wierda at> wrote :

| It is not necessary as the cause has (probably) been found.
| macOS still contains a postfix and it is launched at boot time during 60 seconds with a launchdaemon plist /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

I simply suggest to unload this Apple LaunchDaemons since there is no
need and many problems to have 2 of them on the same OS.
    « Je reste optimiste. La vie m'a appris qu'avec le temps
    le progrès l'emporte toujours. »
                                                           Simone Veil
daniel Azuelos

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