X11 no longer working

Jeffrey Walton noloader at gmail.com
Sat May 9 18:28:31 UTC 2020

On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 5:50 AM Christoph Kukulies <kuku at kukulies.org> wrote:
> Launching X11 manually ./X11 is a good point. Did that and XQuartz appears in the dock. Firing then xclock on the Target doesn’t do a connection. Silence. The xclock just hangs there.
> I don’t see any listening socket:
> kuku at Christophs-MBP ~ % ps ax | grep -i x11
> 88342   ??  Ss     0:00.81 /opt/local/libexec/privileged_startx -d /opt/local/etc/X11/xinit/privileged_startx.d
>  6254 s003  S+     0:01.61 ./X11.bin
>  6258 s003  S+     0:00.02 /bin/sh /opt/X11/bin/startx -- /opt/X11/bin/Xquartz
>  6305 s003  S+     0:00.00 /opt/X11/bin/xinit /opt/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc -- /opt/X11/bin/Xquartz :0 -nolisten tcp -iglx -auth /var/root/.serverauth.6258
>  6306 s003  S<     0:00.00 /opt/X11/bin/Xquartz :0 -nolisten tcp -iglx -auth /var/root/.serverauth.6258
>  6405 s003  S      0:00.03 /opt/X11/bin/quartz-wm
> 10624 s005  R+     0:00.00 grep -i x11
> kuku at Christophs-MBP ~ % lsof -U | grep 6254
> kuku at Christophs-MBP ~ % lsof -U | grep 6258
> kuku at Christophs-MBP ~ % lsof -U | grep 6305
> kuku at Christophs-MBP ~ % lsof -U | grep 6306
> kuku at Christophs-MBP ~ % lsof -U | grep 6405
> kuku at Christophs-MBP ~ % lsof -U | grep 88432

Doesn't Catalina have System Integrity Protection (SIP)? If so, this
may be problematic:


Applications are now restricted where they can write to. I've found
/usr/local and /opt are OK. I have not tried /var.


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