Support for Sierra

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon May 11 23:41:49 UTC 2020

On May 11, 2020, at 18:37, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> To the point of default variants: port maintainers sometimes change a port's default variants, but MacPorts will preserve whatever variants you had selected when you installed it. cmake, for example, switched in November to default to +python37, but if you had installed it before that time, you would have it installed with +python36 or earlier. If you upgrade, you'll have to build from source, since our binaries are only built for default variants. If you want to receive the binary, reinstall the port with its current set of default variants (e.g. run `sudo port install cmake` again).

Oh, I'm wrong about that, in that a python variant isn't a default variant of cmake unless you also enable the docs variant.

In any case, checking whether you're using non-default variants is still a useful thing to do if a port isn't receiving a binary and you think it should.

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