gtk3 problem

Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) stephen.langer at
Sat Dec 11 21:15:07 UTC 2021

On 12/11/21, 9:00 AM, "Ryan Schmidt" <ryandesign at> wrote:

    On Dec 10, 2021, at 13:51, Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) wrote:

    > Is anyone running gtk3 programs on an M1 or on Monterey?  The following simple script crashes on an M1 Mini with Monterey, when run with python 2.7:
    > import gi
    > gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
    > from gi.repository import Gtk
    > window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL, title="test")
    > The error message is "Trace/BPT trap: 5".
    > The same program runs without error on an Intel CPU and Big Sur.  Unfortunately I can't change the OS on either machine so I can't tell if the problem is due to the OS or the processor, or both.

    Probably the first diagnostic step should be to look into the crash report. If it doesn't help you figure out the problem, you could send it here; maybe someone here can decipher it. Look for the log in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports.

I've attached the log file.  It's not telling me anything useful, but I would be delighted to be educated.


 -- Steve

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