ImageMagick failure to install

Christopher Jones jonesc at
Wed Dec 15 11:56:16 UTC 2021

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No. do not do that. 

sudo port -f uninstall libgcc
sudo port install libgcc-devel

> On 15 Dec 2021, at 11:54 am, VACCARI FRANCO <vaccari at> wrote:
> Ok, I’ll delete all what I installed up to now and restart from scratch. My concern is that some packages will force the install of libgcc and some others will require libgcc-devel. Will see and report the outcome...
> Thanks
> Franco
>> On 15 Dec 2021, at 12:51, Christopher Jones <jonesc at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> gcc-devel is the (current) preferred gcc compiler on Apple silicon at the moment, as none of the released gcc versions are fully stable on this platform. gcc-devel requires libgcc-devel as its runtime. libgcc and libgcc-devel are interchangeable, so you should remove libgcc and allow libgcc-devel to be installed instead.
>> Chris
>>> On 15 Dec 2021, at 11:37 am, VACCARI FRANCO <vaccari at> wrote:
>>> I’m configuring a new Mac Mini M1 running Mac OS 12.1 and Xcode 13.2, and installing the usual packages I need. When dealing with ImageMagick I get the following error:
>>> mm02:~ sudo port install imagemagick      
>>> --->  Computing dependencies for ImageMagick
>>> Error: Can't install libgcc-devel because conflicting ports are active: libgcc
>>> Error: Follow if you believe there is a bug.
>>> Error: Processing of port imagemagick failed
>>> mm02:~ 
>>> I believe that deactivating libgcc would break packages already installed that depend on it. Is it so, or can I deactivate libgcc and later activate it again?
>>> Thanks
>>> Franco

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