Build servers going offline due to inclement weather

Todd Doucet ttd at
Tue Feb 16 13:15:35 UTC 2021

> The rest of the contiguous United States shares either the east or west power grid, but most of Texas uses its own separate grid managed by ERCOT. Unfortunately right now most of Texas is very cold and everybody is using more electricity running their heaters. At the same time, the weather has knocked out some power plants. And since our grid is separate, there's no way to get surplus power from other states. Texas was not designed with such cold temperatures in mind.

I read that Texas did import electrical power from Mexico a week or so ago.  I guess they threw the jumper cables over that "big, beautiful wall".

My understanding is that, also, there is a connection to the East US grid, but using it might subject Texas to dreaded Federal regulation of the power industry there.

Stay warm.

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