How to cross compile Apple Silicon target under Intel Apple computer ?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Jan 27 18:10:25 UTC 2021

On Jan 27, 2021, at 11:10, Gilles Caulier wrote:

> Just a basic question, but important: can we cross-compile with
> Macports a Silicon target with Macports packages using an Intel based
> Apple computer ? Typically, I read on the web that Xcode can support
> this kind of task.
> Advantage: no need to buy a specific M1 computer to build a Silicon
> target. Of course I will do it in the future.
> We have 3 settings in Macports configuration files where i can tune
> this kind of rules :

> On variants.conf if i put "+universal", this would mean that x86_64
> and arm64 binary versions will be embedded in targets ?


> How to only embed arm64 ?
> What must I set in macports.conf settings file ?

Don't use +universal. Set build_arch to arm64.

> Why I ask this Q : it's simple : I already have a PKG distribution of
> my application with only x86_64 symbols. I don't want to make a
> secondary PKG with both versions. I would separate the binary versions
> : one pkg for intel, one pkg for Silicon, as this last one is very
> new, this will take a while to test and stabilize. The Intel version
> works well, even in the Rosetta2 emulator.
> The target application is digiKam. The list of ports used to compile
> the application is huge, so I'm sure to discovers new broken ports for
> arm64 targets.


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