Warning: Configuration logfiles contain indications of -Wimplicit-function-declaration

Michael Newman mgnewman at mac.com
Tue Jun 8 09:27:29 UTC 2021

Today I finally installed Big Sur and followed the MacPorts migration guide. I don't see any errors; no failures to build. However, I did get seven of these warnings:

Warning: Configuration logfiles contain indications of -Wimplicit-function-declaration; check that features were not accidentally disabled:

It was found in the following logs:


I have no idea what a "Wimplicit-function-declaration" is. I tried to search around, but was unable to enlighten myself. I gather it has something to do with C; about which I know nothing. If this warning is explained somewhere, please provide me with a link.

Do I need to do something about these, or are they ignorable?

Mike Newman
Korat, Thailand

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