What is up with perl5.26 on Snow Leo?

Uli Wienands wienands at gmail.com
Tue Nov 30 02:21:55 UTC 2021

Well, I wonder whether someone did something within the last day or two. 
I just tried it again, and lo-and-behold, perl5.26 installed just fine & 
now MacPorts is getting to work on the backlog of things that I could 
not update because of this problem.

This after I just found out (in debug mode) that the perl5.26 port 
actually was not able to get its files; the fetch errored out with a 404 
error for all attempts. What is odd is that it proceeded to do a bunch 
of things after that & even went to the destroot phase. I would love to 
send the log, but the renewed attempt was to generate the log so I could 
pack it up & send it, only for now the install succeeded making this moot.

So, my thanks go out to whomever fixed this.


On 11/29/21 9:04 AM, Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
> This looks as the same problem we have with MySQL57, where it's using
> the system cctools instaead of the more modern cctools from macports.
> The fix is described here :
> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/59072#comment:1
> declare usrBin='/usr/bin'
> declare devBin="/Developer${usrBin}"
> while read -u 9 cctool
> do
>      theTool=$( basename ${cctool} )
>      echo ${theTool}
>      for binDir in "${usrBin}" "${devBin}"
>      do
>          mv -n "${binDir}/${theTool}" "${binDir}/${theTool}.orig"
>          rm "${binDir}/${theTool}"
>          ln -s "${cctool}" "${binDir}/${theTool}"
>      done
> done 9< <( port contents cctools | fgrep /bin/ )
> On my 2 x 10.6.8 I've got :
> #=> port installed perl*
> The following ports are currently installed:
>    perl5 @5.28.3_0+perl5_30 (active)
>    perl5.30 @5.30.3_3 (active)

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