Macports for Monterey on M1, M1 Pro, M1 Max

Christopher Jones jonesc at
Tue Oct 19 18:18:55 UTC 2021


In that MacPorts already supports arm for macOS11, adding support for macOS12 will likely not be as much of a deal as it was for macOS11, where it was a brand new arch. I imagine it will be, give or take, as much work as any other OS has been on the x86_64 side. As for if/when there will be binary tarballs for macOS12, thats a question for Ryan who hosts/maintains that hardware.

In terms of specific support for the Pro and Max CPU variants, this really down to the compiler to support, so assuming Xcode knows what to do, will be there from day one. However, as far as I have seen the CPU cores are essentially the same as in the M1, so in that regards the Pro/Max will  seem like the same, just with more cores. So any ports that support multi-threaded running will gain out the box.


> On 19 Oct 2021, at 6:20 pm, Vihan Pandey <vihanpandey at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to know if there are any plans for creating a port of macports for Monterey for the new M1, and specifically optimized for M1 Pro and M1 Max processors?
> Thanks and regards,
> - Vihan

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