Add M1 Hypervisor Support for QEMU Port?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Oct 27 04:02:31 UTC 2021

On Oct 20, 2021, at 22:06, Sriranga Veeraraghavan wrote:

> Is there a way to add an optional variant to the QEMU Portfile that would apply this patch?

Yes, it is technically possible to do that. However, we prefer not to include and forever maintain unofficial patches. Instead, we would prefer for such patches to be submitted to the upstream developers of the software. If they include it, then MacPorts will automatically get that and any other changes when we update to the next version of the software. If upstream elects not to include a patch, then we would have to seriously consider whether it would be appropriate for us to second-guess their decision and include it in MacPorts anyway.

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