Zint port?

Frank Dean frank at fdsd.co.uk
Sat Sep 4 12:48:49 UTC 2021

Henning Hraban Ramm <hraban at fiee.net> writes:

> [1:text/plain Hide]
> The barcode maker/library zint (https://zint.org.uk) is only available via Homebrew yet.
> It depends on cmake and libpng-dev, but if I try to compile the sources with MacPorts libs, it fails to find stdio.h
> I don’t speak C...
> I’d appreciate a zint port, but a hint what environment variables I should set or whatever else I should try would be nice enough.
> Best regards,
> Hraban
> [2:application/pgp-signature Show Save:signature.asc (833B)]

Specifying the cmake PortGroup will do almost all of the work for you:

PortGroup           cmake 1.1

If you choose to get it from their GitHub mirror, use the github port

PortGroup           github 1.0
github.setup        woo-j zint 2.10.0
github.tarball_from archive

You might want to use the macports-dev mailing list for any more
Portfile development questions.

[1]: https://lists.macports.org/mailman/listinfo/macports-dev/



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