openat on 10.6.8?

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at
Sun Jan 30 08:12:24 UTC 2022

Pretty sure it first appeared in 10.10, that's the first one for which I see the man page in the OS source code.

Implementations lag behind standards, although admittedly that's a rather substantial lag. :-)

(I've downloaded quite a number of versions of the source, and for each built an index file listing the name of each .tar.gz file along with each file within it, so a simple grep can find some things quickly, although in this case I had to also grep for xnu, to keep the search from picking up things like gnutar that optionally _used_ openat)

> On Jan 29, 2022, at 20:59, raf <macports at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried to compile (/usr/bin/cc) something (not a
> port) that uses openat(2) on 10.6.8 (with current
> macports and Xcode 3.2.6 (1761)) but it wasn't there. I
> expected it to be, because openat() was standardized by
> 2008 and the 10.6.8 system is from 2010. Did I compile
> it wrong (e.g., old default compiler), or did openat()
> just not appear until a later version of macOS?
> cheers,
> raf

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