Rust build

Christopher Nielsen mascguy at
Sat Sep 3 18:55:21 UTC 2022

>> I have just done a port seflupdate and upgrade outdated. Rust was needed but it had to be built on my machine as there was no suitable version on macports. I am on a Mac Mini M1 running macOS 12.5.1 and rust should be 1.61.0. Now the web page says that it has built, in fact a month ago. But live check has failed. Why is rust not available?
> You’re simply the victim of bad timing: Rust was updated yesterday, and the build hasn’t been completed yet.
> The binary will be available soon, depending on when @ryandesign brings the Monterey ARM builder online. But hopefully within the next 24-48 hours.

The Rust build for Monterey ARM has finished, and binaries have been mirrored. So you should be good now.

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