zig compiler

ppadilcdx at gmail.com ppadilcdx at gmail.com
Tue May 2 20:52:52 UTC 2023

Is an intel so it should compile according to the status. But agree 
please bump it :-)


On 5/2/23 1:25 PM, akierig wrote:
> On 2023-05-02 at 15:04 (-0500) ppadilcdx at gmail.com wrote:
>> I cannot build the zig compiler (see below). Wondering if anyone else 
>> has this problem and should I then submit a trac ticket.
> What kind of mac is it? Intel or Apple Silicon?
> The current MP zig is only working for Intel macs because the current 
> MP version only supports x86 machines. Hence why `ncdu` (> 2) doesn't 
> work for Apple Silicon either...
> cf.: https://ports.macports.org/port/zig/details/
> I will write up a quick (hopefully) version bump and submit a PR. Zig 
> 0.11 has a version for Apple Silicon.
> https://ziglang.org/download/
> regards,
> ander

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