Xcode 15 issues - my temporary workaround

CC copious-commotion at cobaltmailbox.com
Mon Sep 25 22:10:57 UTC 2023

Hi -

Instead of reverting to Xcode 14, I have had success (so far) by forcing the linker to use the "classic" version.  Xcode 15 switched the default to Apple's newer "prime" linker.

what I did --
- start with a clean slate (mv /opt/local /opt/local.0; mv /Applications/MacPorts /Applications/MacPorts.0)
- install macports from macports-base repo
- "port install ld64" (which should install ld64-xcode)
- edit /opt/local/bin/ld to add "-ld_classic" option (see below)

"libgcc12" was my test port and it worked after I did the above.  I hope this helps others while we wait for someone with more knowledge to dig deeper into issues with the new linker.
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