resizing window when using "bc" in interactive mode

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at
Sun Aug 11 01:56:34 UTC 2024

The output of

port installed bc


sw_vers -productVersion

would be interesting, to know what version and options of bc you have, and what macOS version you have.

(also might be a problem with something bc links with, like libfl (flex) or libedit or libncurses (ncurses); if I had to pick what would care about resizing, it might be ncurses, although that doesn't appear to be used here in a full-window mode (like it is with vi which will redraw when a window is resized))

I have no problem with   bc @1.07.1_3+libedit  on Monterey (12.7.6).

So either the problem doesn't happen with all options or versions for bc or something it depends on, and/or all OS versions, or you've got something else going on.

PS just because I said all that does NOT imply I have any special knowledge about bc; just that any program doesn't exist in isolation but depends on libraries and on the OS; and I have a general idea what some of the libraries do.

> On Aug 10, 2024, at 20:07, matt henschel <henschel at> wrote:
> It just closes with return 0 over here.  I don't know if it always did
> that or not.  does it in 'terminal' and in 'xterm'.
> Moving the window is fine.
> Just me?

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