resizing window when using "bc" in interactive mode

Bill Cole macportsusers-20171215 at
Sun Aug 11 14:37:19 UTC 2024

On 2024-08-11 at 03:08:11 UTC-0400 (Sun, 11 Aug 2024 02:08:11 -0500)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt <ryandesign at>
is rumored to have said:

> On Aug 11, 2024, at 00:03, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> The MacPorts version uses MacPorts supplied libraries (other than 
>> libSystem). The macOS version uses macOS supplied libraries. 
>> (ultimately from the same open source projects, but potentially 
>> different versions and build options, so not identical code)
> It's *not* the same software. MacPorts has GNU bc 1.07 which is 
> licensed GPL-3. macOS used to have GNU bc 1.06 released back in 2000 
> under GPL-2. Apple has switched to someone else's bc implementation in 
> recent macOS probably because as we know Apple is allergic to GPL-3.

The macOS bc is Gavin Howard's version which is also used in FreeBSD. It 
integrates both the GNU additions to the POSIX-standard bc and its own 
additions, some of which came from the original BSD bc. There has been a 
steady trickle of bug fixes since the version Apple ships on Sonoma, 
some of which reference macOS.

Looking at the man page, I'd bet that exiting when the terminal geometry 
changes  is understandable, since making that change sends a WINCH 
signal and bc resets on signals for which it has no handler. That gap 
seems like a bug to me, but one to report to the author or Apple.

Bill Cole
bill at or billcole at
(AKA @grumpybozo at and many * 
Not Currently Available For Hire
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