platform mismatch error

Raoul MEGELAS rmgls2943 at
Wed Aug 14 17:46:05 UTC 2024


As rosetta was not the problem,
I tried something else.
1. Run  the script posted here to remove all macports files.
Downloaded macports for Sonoma 14.
Installed it.

Run install some port 
Mismatch version!


I logged in another account on the same machine.
Installing some port gives the same error.

Then I logged in root account
Installing some port (sox) installed fine.
Installed player: fine.
I reloaded in my  user account.
I double checked all .files in my home directory.
No version mentioned.
I checked env to see: no version except
I am here and I do not know  what  file is checked by macports to see the version;
Please can you tell me where to look and what file is not
Updated by the installer of macports?


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