platform mismatch error

Eric Hoch eric.hoch2 at
Thu Aug 15 15:18:38 UTC 2024

Hi Raoul,

Am 15.08.24 um 09:34 schrieb Raoul MEGELAS
>> On 15 Aug 2024, at 09:14, Ryan Carsten Schmidt<ryandesign at> wrote:
>> On Aug 14, 2024, at 12:46, Raoul MEGELAS wrote:
>>> As rosetta was not the problem,
>>> I tried something else.
>>> 1. Run  the script posted here to remove all macports files.
>>> Downloaded macports for Sonoma 14.
>>> Installed it.
>>> Run install some port
>>> Mismatch version!
>> Are you using the Apple Terminal app or some other terminal?
> It  is  the native apple terminal,
> Not another.

Could you please check the following. Go to Applications > Utilities > 
Terminal. Press Command + I and the Info window should pop up. In the 
General section there is a checkbox for "Open using Rosetta". Uncheck if 
needed. When the Apple silicon chips were new there were lot of tips in 
forums etc to check this in order to permanently run macports or brew 
with Rosetta as ports important for users weren't available arm native. 
A prominent example were Java JDKs.

Hope this helps,

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