port database sqlite error

Riccardo Mottola riccardo.mottola at libero.it
Fri Dec 20 00:50:14 UTC 2024


after ports reclaim did run a couple of times cleaning up, I get this error:

$ sudo port  clean outdated
Error: process_cmd failed: sqlite error: another row available (100) 
while executing query: SELECT cxx_stdlib FROM registry.ports WHERE id=1006
Balthasar:~ multix$ sqlite3 /opt/local/var/macports/registry/registry.db 
"select * from

I get this error at the end of "port outdated", so that is where it 
comes from.

I did run:
qlite3 /opt/local/var/macports/registry/registry.db "select * from ports 
where id=1006"

so there is only one line!!! how can it say there is another row with 

I am confused.


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