Problem compiling many Rosetta Code Nim programs: could not load: libgmp.dylib

Kenneth Wolcott kennethwolcott at
Sun Dec 29 06:18:42 UTC 2024


Problem compiling many Rosetta Code Nim programs: could not load:

First, I'm sure that this is a user error of some kind, but I do not know
what I am doing wrong.

I'm asking here first as my Nim compiler and Nimble package manager are
coming from MacPorts.

If this really is a Nimble package usage error (the aren't any Nim packages
on MacPorts that I'm aware of), then I'll ask the Nim and Nimble experts.

The Nim bignum package is being used by many Nim programs that are
published on the Rosetta Code web site.  It looks like I am able to install
the bignum package using Nimble, yet when I try to compile a Nim program
which requires the bignum package (which uses gmp) it fails.  I'm pretty
sure that I've installed the gmp library from MacPorts.

Perhaps Nimble is not compiling for the arm platform?

So, what additional information is needed (if any) for the problem I'm
having to be correctly diagnosed and therefore solved?

If you guys don't know and are unable to generate good educated guess(es),
then I'll ask the Nim experts.  I'm just concerned that they will think
it's a MacPorts issue and they you guys think it's a Nim (and/or Nimble)
issue, resulting in me being still stuck in the ditch.

Ken  Wolcott
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