PortGroup versioning

Marius Schamschula lists at schamschula.com
Sun Feb 4 17:43:03 UTC 2024

Given the recent Octave package repository move from SourceForge to GitHub [1], I have updated the octave PortGroup to be able to handle the four repositories that are currently in use:

Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab and SourceForge.

However, this means that the old octave 1.0 setup is incompatible with the current version. I.e.

Old: octave.setup package version

New: octave.setup repo author package version [tag_prefix] [tag_suffix]

This generally would be an issue, but as I’m currently the only one maintaining the packages, I could switch all Portfiles to use the new syntax all at once.

Or should I change the octave PortGroup to version 1.1?


[1] https://trac.macports.org/ticket/69210

Marius Schamschula

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