Delta between python3 provided by Apple's Xcode and the one provided by python312 @3.12.4_0+lto+optimizations (active) in macports

brian bholder+macports at
Wed Jul 10 11:24:20 UTC 2024


I am seeking to understand why this script

import CoreLocation
from time import sleep

location_manager = CoreLocation.CLLocationManager.alloc().init()

max_wait = 60
# Get the current authorization status for Python
for i in range(1, max_wait):
    authorization_status = location_manager.authorizationStatus()
    print("Authorization status: ", authorization_status)
    if authorization_status == 3 or authorization_status == 4:
        print("Python has been authorized for location services")
    if i == max_wait-1:
        exit("Unable to obtain authorization, exiting")

coord = location_manager.location().coordinate()
lat, lon = coord.latitude, coord.longitude
print("Your location is %f, %f" % (lat, lon))

pops an authorization prompt when using Apple's python and not the one in
MacPorts (python312 @3.12.4_0+lto+optimizations) on Ventura. In either
case, the python application appears in
for manual authorization but I'd like to understand what causes the
difference in behavior.

N.B. -> The auth prompt that Apple's python pops is -- "Python" would like
to use your current location. Don't allow - button . OK - button.


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