py-numpy 2.0.0

Marius Schamschula lists at
Mon Jun 17 17:50:47 UTC 2024

Hi all,

Yesterday py-numpy 2.0.0 was officially released.

I’ve hesitated opening a trac ticket, but we’ve got a situation with py-numpy 2.0.0 similar to when py-cython went to version 3.0.0:

The new version, 2.0.0, is not backwards compatible with the old version,1.26.4.

I’m currently holding back updates for

py-astropy	6.1.1
py-sunpy		5.1.4
py-vispy		0.14.3

Likely there will be more to come in the new future.

As they require py-numpy >= 2.0.0.

Marius Schamschula

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