32bit Snow Leopard libc++11 dylibs

Ken Cunningham ken.cunningham.webuse at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 07:12:27 UTC 2024

there are a set of the required libs in here:


You'll need both libc++ and libc++abi,, and probably the symlink too, in your bundle. As you said, use install_name_tool to fix things up.

I have done such a bundling years ago, and it does work... but you would probably have to build the software on a 10.6 system or VM using macports for it to actually work out. We do some shenanigans to get libc++ to work right with 10.6. 

Simply using something built on 10.7 or 10.9 and linking it against that new libc++.dylib will most likely fail. Likewise, just setting the deployment_target to 10.6 on a newer system is also not likely to work, due to said shenanigans.


> On Jun 23, 2024, at 11:58 PM, Steven via macports-users <macports-users at lists.macports.org> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I was wondering if anyone has a c++-11 dylib tarball/dmg for me to include with my 32bit app so it will run on older Mac OSX ? I'm not super technical about Mac stuff, but I should be able to install_name_tool my exe to use it... Any other instructions?
> Thanks Steven Atkinson 
> https://scidvspc.sourceforge.net/

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