Preventing other software from linking against MacPorts libraries

Austin Ziegler halostatue at
Thu May 9 20:43:38 UTC 2024

One could also `sudo port deactivate …` the ports which are problematic. I
occasionally have to do this with certain Rust tools through `cargo build`
(especially if they use libiconv).


On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 4:13 PM Dave Horsfall <dave at> wrote:

> > > Sometimes I just end up deleting /opt/local to get it to build and
> > > then re-install MacPorts, which can be painful or at least tiresome.
> The question has since been answered, but what was wrong with merely
> renaming /opt/local temporarily?  That's what I would've done...
> -- Dave

Austin Ziegler • halostatue at gmail.comaustin at
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