Scrcpy on Mac OS Sequoia 15.1.

Ryan Carsten Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Nov 8 09:11:39 UTC 2024

On Nov 8, 2024, at 01:33, AB wrote:
> I am trying to build and setup Scrcpy on Mac OS Sequoia 15.1. I am using MacPorts for this. It seems like zvbi-0.2.35_5.darwin_24.arm64 is not yet available for this mac OS version. Can someone please suggest if an older version can somehow be used in the meantime?

No archives for any version of any port are available for macOS 15 for arm64 because the build machine does not yet exist. 

Even if it did exist, if you were unable to build it, it is likely our build machine would not be able to build it either. 

Please file a bug report in our issue tracker and attach the entire main.log file so that we can investigate why it failed to build.
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